Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hey guys!

As most of you know, this is the final and concluding blog entry of the English Blog Creation Project.

I hate to mention, but it appears my concluding blog entry is a tad bit more boring than the rest, for nothing really much happened today. I sincerely hope you guys'll be engaged, like in the previous posts. :D

First up,
Science Lab Period.

We had Biology Practical Lessons today, and we needed to investigate 'What Killed Sailor Joe'. Now calm down, folks, he isn't real. We had to investigate why drinking salt water to quench your undeniable thirst kills you faster than not drinking water at all in the first place.

It appears that water diffused out of our blood stream, due to a lower water potential in the salt water solution. And since so much water diffuses out of our blood, we dehydrate and die. That's why drinking salt water makes you feel thirstier than before you drank any. Not to mention the awkward taste of urine...

Poor Sailor Joe. RIP, brave one.


Time flies fast, and soon, it was the last period of school - Home Economics.

Remember the bear I mentioned in my second or third post? We had to stuff it up with cotton fillings today. Seems easy until you realise one of your stitch goes slack and comes out, causing the whole bear to fall apart. Yes, that's what happened to me today. Worse than watching a Horror Film. Not to mention the constant screams of rage by Ms. Hashimah - it was hard to concentrate.

But nonetheless, I managed to re-stitch my bear, and stuff it with the fluffy white goodness of cotton. And had time to drink some sips of refreshing water (Sorry, Sailor Joe.) right before the bell rang. :D


So I guess that wraps up my final and last post for the project. Hope you guys enjoyed the fun journey of five magical posts thoroughly! Thank you and


Its been a blast! (:

Vincent at 5:01 AM

Friday, January 22, 2010

Something unusual that happened that day [&] A Special Moment you enjoyed with your family

Hey guys!

Welcome to my forth entry for my English Blog Creation Project.

Today was a really busy day for me.
It consisted of TWO important things to do.

I'll start with the first one. :)

Judging by the insanely accurate and high resolution photo, I'm pretty sure that you can depict what I had today.

Yup, you guessed it. I had a Flu Jab! :(

Some of my friends should know about this, for I sacrificed a very important (wink) Macdonalds lunch meeting with them. And trust me, it is scarier than it sounds. I had to leave school immediately after class was dismissed, and run towards my parents' car, for the appointment was dangerously close to my school dismissal time; not to mention eating a Burger King 'Tendercrisp' in the car as lunch - Yum!

When we got to the Clinic, or rather, 'Mini-Hospital', we quickly registered our names and waited. And waited. And waited. Rather mad, we were - as we rushed all the way to the Clinic cum Mini Hospital just to wait, yet again, for the number count to hit ours. Luckily, television beckoned us to live on, as we watched 'Wheel Of Fortune' on Channel 5 that was showing on a nearby TV while we waited impatiently for a five second jab. The suspense was killing me.

Finally, it was our turn. My family took turns to get the injection. Soon, it was my turn. Frankly saying, I was indeed shivering. I never liked needles. Just try imagining someone holding a Home Economics (hint-hint; previous post) needle and attempting to penetrate your skin with flu liquid oozing into your blood vessel. And what if he makes a mistake? [Add Dramatic Sound Effects Here]

"Okay, sleeve up, get ready... injection." And the moment of truth arrives. The needle went in, and out - in a mere 5 seconds. 'AW COME ON.' I really overestimated the pain of the injection. It was barely an ant bite. All that nerve racking for nothing. However, my hand is currently aching and partially numb due to the jab's side-effect. Bummer.


Remember I said at the start of the post that there were two important things that happened today?

Here's the second one.

After leaving the Clinic cum Mini Hospital, we went to hotel called 'M Hotel' for dinner. (It was already rather late after we had settled the administrative papers in the Clinic, so we decided to go for dinner) Now don't get me wrong now folks, it's not a MOTEL, its a Hotel. Its name just so happens to be 'M' Hotel. Here's a photo of it. (Gee, this is a long post. :| )

You might be thinking right now, 'So what IS the second important thing that happened today?', or rather,'Why would you be at a hotel during a school day?'

Well, it is actually my Parent's Wedding Registration Anniversary, or to put it short,'Anniversary', today. We celebrated, or rather THEY celebrated in a hotel, which they brought my brother and I along. We ate dinner at a Buffet Restaurant called the... drum roll please... 'BUFFET RESTAURANT!' :D Ah, the awkwardness. It's actually a restaurant that serves Steam-Boat Dinners which in this case, is a Buffet version, where you take the raw food from the counters and place it in the boiling soup on your table.

Silly me, I was trying to transfer the soup from the boiling hot pot, but held my bowl on the bottom, which would mean I would feel the extreme burn once the soup is fully filled up. Realising my mistake, I jerked my hand to the top of the bowl where I would not get burnt at, but instead, spilt the boiling hot soup onto my hand, and some of the soup that was in the pot. My hand is currently redish beige even as I type this blog entry. Ouch...

But all in all, the Buffet was really, really nice. And I'm pretty sure my Parents had an enjoyable Anniversary.

So I guess that concludes my really long post, and hope this post has engaged you as much as those that have, previously in my blog! :D

I thank you.


PS: Did you know, all my English Blog Creation Project Posts all begin with a 'Hey Guys!' ? Neither.

Editor's note (that's me) : My parent's Anniversary is real and not faked, unlike a certain guy with a mushroom-like hairstyle that faked his sister's (cough-cough) birthday in a blog entry. ;) Thanks.

Vincent at 5:50 AM

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Something that took place in School

Hey guys!

This is my third out of five blog entries for my English Blog Creation Project!

Firstly, I'd like to apologise for the long delay of blog entries since the 2nd and 3rd post. School was bombarding me with work. Or maybe I was just plain lazy. Who knows?

First up;

Youth Olympic Games Teddy Bears!

We learnt how to make a Teddy Bear in the theme of the upcoming Youth Olympic games held in Singapore this year. Well, at least its head. But some of us don't know how to even make the Blanket Stitch, the essential stitch required to know to make the bear. Well, at least its head.

The bear is actually a Home Economics project that we have to do. Like I mentioned above, it has to be in the theme of the Youth Olympic Games coming up in Singapore. The bear is not naked, it is in fact, supposed to wear a shirt with a certain Olympic sport sign or logo that you have designed. Now, I know what you're thinking, "A bear wearing a shirt? HA. Now that's funny." But seriously folks, the shirt represents the sport the bear plays; well at least the sport it represents, rather; and its going to be one of the harder parts of the bear to sew/stitch/create. :(

Hopefully, my bear turns out fine. :|


Meanwhile, the Integrated Resort in Singapore opened yesterday, much to the excitement to our comrade, Timothy, who eagerly eyes the opening of the Universal Studios in Resorts World, Sentosa.

The key attractions include one of Singapore's two casinos, a Universal Studios theme park and the world's largest oceanarium. Ocean; Aquarium... Get it? :D

It'll be open in mid 2010 and critics say it'll be a blast! Maybe our class could organise an outing there at the end of the year?


Whoops, looks like I'm out of time! (I've got parental restrictions till 11pm, and its 10:58pm now.)

I hope you've enjoyed this post!

Thanks! :D

-Vincent (:

Vincent at 6:23 AM

Sunday, January 17, 2010

A special Moment you enjoyed with your family

Hey guys!

Welcome to the second post of my English Blog Creation Project... project! This post will contain less colour (much-much less) compared to the first post, to facilitate and/or benefit some of your eyes, and your computer's pixels. They work hard, you know?

Man, what a long day. It's always nice to end the day with a hot mug of Milo! I know, I just had mine. ;)

I guess I'll start this post by discussing about what happened today, yeah?

I didn't really do much in the morning, apart from watching a reality show called 'Endurance'. Its on Discovery Channel, Starhub Channel 12, every Sunday at 12pm; if you're wondering. Its a great show to watch while you're eating lunch or (hint-hint) jogging on the treadmill. ;D

Actually, the Endurance contestants travel to a remote location and participate in various mental and physical challenges, (Endurance, get it?) although Endurance contestants compete as pairs (one boy and one girl), and the outcome of the competitions determines which pair of players is eliminated. The winning boy and girl receive an all-expenses paid vacation package with their parents to an exotic location as the prize. Sweet! :D

Meanwhile, I went Ice Skating in the afternoon at Leisure Park, in Kallang. For those who are wondering, Leisure Park is not a park; it is a Mall. It's right next to the Singapore Stadium, which was due to be demolished long ago, but is still standing tall, and the MRT Circle Line Station 'Stadium'. It's a great place to shop, ice-skate, and even watch movies. In fact, the Cinema there is actually owned by our very own 'Jack Neo', the director of the show 'Where got ghost?','Money not enough II' and the famous 'I not stupid'. Rich guy, ain't he? :O

Anyway, back to Ice Skating.

It was FREEZING cold there; I had to drink at least 5 cups of steaming hot Milo to disable my impending Brain-Freeze. Not to mention the freezing cold tap water in the toilet; I couldn't feel my hands for awhile there. But all in all, the Ice Skating was really fun. :D

After that, we had Sushi for dinner! Yum :) . However, I wouldn't recommend the Black Pepper Seafood Ramen; its so spicy that you lose your appetite altogether. :( I was looking forward to finishing it.

So I guess Sushi wraps up this post! ;) I hoped you've enjoyed this blog entry as much as the colourful one below! Thanks. (:

-Vincent :D

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Vincent at 4:58 AM

Friday, January 15, 2010

Something that took place in school

Hey guys!

As anticipated, this is my first post for the English Blog Creation Project. And man, do I have 'alot' to write about. :|

Firstly, I'd start out with Scouts.

Every Saturday, I would have to go for my CCA, which is Scouts, and it just happens to be today. We would have a flag raising ceremony, where everyone stands in a horseshoe formation, and then move on to PT. The new Sec Ones have just joined today, and there are not many of them, so it goes to show how popular scouts is. ;) The next batch of Sec Ones, due to come next week, are the batch who 'unwillingly' wanted to join Scouts. You know, when you opt for a CCA, say Tennis, but somehow you do not get through, you'll be flung into a Uniformed Group, or if you are 'lucky' (it could be relative, though), a Musical CCA, namely Concert Band and/or Choir. Therefore, I hope we're lucky enough to get some good Sec Ones to join. :D

But, Scouts ain't all that bad either. There are times when they take fun to a whole new level too. Of course, the occassional pumping and push-ups (they're the same thing) will inevitably happen too, but seriously, which UG doesn't do that? It's unnatural!

So where was I? Ah yes, back to Scouts. We learned a few new commands today. Brace yourselves.

'Skuad Yang Tinggi Ka-kanan, Rendah Ka-kiri, Dalam Satu Barisan, Pa

(For your information, I didn't memorise that; I got it from a book :D) It means to form a single row, tallest on the right, shortest on the left. And its tougher than it sounds. Because
some annoying people just do not want to admit to their shortness/tallness. And then comes the argument of who should be standing where. But it was all cleared up when we had to 'knock it down' (Slang for push-up position). :|

Then there was another command :
'Skuad Dari Kanan Bilang'

To number off from the right, in malay. "Satu, Dua, Satu, etc." Don't get me wrong now, I'm not racist. Its just the way it's supposed to go. :|

And there's more :
'Nombor Ganjil, Satu Langkah Ka-hadapan, Nombor Genap, Satu Langkah Ka-belakang, Gerak'

It means for odd numbers take one step forward, even numbers take one step backwards.

And ANOTHER long one :
'Orang Di-sebelah Kanan Diam, Barisan Hadapan Kanan Busing, Barisan Belakang Kiri Busing, Kanan Dan Kiri Busing'

It means for the front row to turn right, back row to turn left. I think some of you lost me somewhere there.

And finally :
'Skuad Jadikan Tiga Barisan Chepat Jalan'

To fast march and form up 3 rows, like fall in position. The timing goes check, bang. March and form 3 rows following the timing. Halt and bang with the right foot. When a column of 3 has been formed up, the whole column will turn together and bang with the right foot. The next 'check bang', the column will senang diri (at ease) themselves. They would repeat till the squad of 3 rows is completely formed up.

Get it? :D

So I guess not.

Anyway, we also had to pitch and strike a tent today.
In less posh terms, it means to build a tent, and dismantle after the 'Big Guys' pass you on the test.

The sand there (an area near the VS field) was really hard to penetrate and we could not really push the pegs deep in the ground. That would result in the tent flying away, (not to mention failing the test) and the dumbfounded people plummeting through the air while sleeping in it. Luckily, Damian found a mega rock and we used it as a hammer to knock 'em pegs in. That's Humans 1, and Hard soil, zero. >:D

Oh, and did I mention we passed the test? Heh. :]

So I guess that concludes my Saturday blog post. :)
I hope you've enjoyed it, and I would like to apologise for 90% of its content to be only about Scouts. It really was a dull day, apart from CCA. :D

Vincent, signing outz!

(PS: Don't forget to tag ;) --> )

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Vincent at 11:53 PM

Thursday, January 7, 2010

This is the first post of my blog!
And if any 2G-ian just 'happened' to stumble upon this blog,

Knowingly, this post is not going to be counted into the 'Blog Creating Project' ,
but hey,
you'd have to test your blog out sometime; eh?


Vincent at 5:55 AM